When I Was..

When I was a lot younger I had a good friend that could not see the light for anything in the world. I tried and tried until we both were fed up with each other, and I had to accept the fact that he was not going to listen to me.. I was a lot younger and I was involved in a lot of different things. As the time went by and I had to grow up and learn how to live my own life my thoughts would return to him and I would wonder if he would be able to move in a more positive direction? Low and behold I decided to make an effort to contact him and find out what he was doing. The answer ended bringing me to tears! This friend had listened to me when I was always on him about changing even though I couldn't tell at the time! He had made a successful business and was living a really good life. I was moved to an emotional place that I had never been to caused by my ignorance of my own value to the people in my life. It was great to see that he was not going down the path he had been on for those years. And it was a lot younger learning experience for me to finally accept that I am a part of the lives of the people that I have been close to. I never realized that I was having the impact on those lives. It's a great experience... And that is a talefromthetreestump...


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