Today Has Been...

Today has been a day of earnest reflection on the way we can do better in our interactions with each other in our daily lives. I want to believe in the good of all men,but reality tends to agree with the words of the good book that no man is good, that we have all gone astray? But that shouldn't be the way we see each other because we are commanded to love one another-and yhat is just plain hard to do! Surely there must be a good idea out there for making interactions better amidst the chaos that has taken over people lives in the past few years! I am inclined to believe that it will take a few good men and women who have not allowed themselves to be bitter and angry at the hands dealt to us but understand we make the best of what seems to be a bad situation. People need to see hard work in action and understand that it is the only way to achieve any amount of success in the future. I take my hat off to all of the people who don't want to quit! You start something,you finish it is what I was constantly told growing up! So when we sit back on these treestumps know that its not to rest,it's just to take a moment to look around and see how the work is coming along. The work we do will be remembered by the future generations of Americans that we leave this country to. I want to see the greatness of the past produce itself again and in a better and more productive way. That is another tale from the Treestump...


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