Time For Everything

 There are times in everyman's life when you decide that you must be a man and then you remember the lessons learned from the men in life while growing up! We ask did my dad and granddad deal with life like this? Did they face the same issues, with just different names and faces? Did music of their generations help to shape their world views? Did the news of the time make them seek better livelihoods, or to call out to God in middle age crisis?!

Its time for men to be men and lead by example! I won't say be exemplary in all you do cause then we'd be hypocritical up on the pedestal looking down on images of our younger selves! But I will say its time to deal with reality and quit looking for some magick formula that fixes everything while sitting around worrying and really doing nothing! Time heals all wounds so there's no reason to keep sitting around worrying. 

And that is a tale from the tree stump!


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